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Setting up Maven and creating a project

Setting up Maven involves installing Maven on your computer and configuring its settings so that it can be used to build and manage your projects. Once Maven is installed, you can create a new project by using one of the Maven archetypes, which are pre-defined templates for different types of projects.

To create a new project using Maven, you need to execute the "mvn archetype:generate" command in your terminal or command prompt, and then select the archetype that corresponds to the type of project you want to create. Maven will then create the basic structure of your project, including the pom.xml file, which is the configuration file that contains information about the project and its dependencies.

After the project is created, you can start adding your source code, resources, and other files to the appropriate directories within the project structure. You can also add dependencies to your project by specifying them in the pom.xml file, which Maven will automatically download and include in your project's classpath.

Overall, setting up Maven and creating a project involves installing and configuring Maven, selecting an appropriate project archetype, and then adding your source code and dependencies to the project.

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