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Quiz - Microservices - 4


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Select the right answer for below questions:

Which of the following annotations is used to define a REST endpoint in Spring Boot?

What is the purpose of Spring Cloud Config in a microservices architecture?
To provide service discovery
To provide centralized configuration management
To provide load balancing capabilities
To provide centralized configuration management

Which of the following is a benefit of using reactive programming in microservices architecture?
Support for only a single programming language
Reduced resource utilization
Simplified development process
Reduced resource utilization

What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?
It marks a class as a component
It injects dependencies into a class
It defines a web endpoint
It injects dependencies into a class

Which of the following is an example of a popular Java framework for reactive programming in microservices architecture?
Spring WebFlux
Apache Hadoop
Spring WebFlux

What is the purpose of a circuit breaker in microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To provide load balancing capabilities
To prevent cascading failures in a distributed system
To prevent cascading failures in a distributed system

Which of the following is an example of a popular circuit breaker library used in microservices architecture?
Apache Kafka

What is the purpose of a message broker in a microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To provide load balancing capabilities
To handle asynchronous communication between services
To handle asynchronous communication between services

Which of the following is an example of a popular message broker used in microservices architecture?
Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka

What is the purpose of a containerization technology like Docker in microservices architecture?
To provide centralized configuration management
To handle inter-service communication
To simplify deployment and management of services
To simplify deployment and management of services

{"qz1-133576":"@RestController","qz1-133577":"To provide centralized configuration management","qz1-133578":"Reduced resource utilization","qz1-133579":"It injects dependencies into a class","qz1-133580":"Spring WebFlux","qz1-133581":"To prevent cascading failures in a distributed system","qz1-133582":"Hystrix","qz1-133583":"To handle asynchronous communication between services","qz1-133584":"Apache Kafka","qz1-133585":"To simplify deployment and management of services"}

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