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Quiz - Microservices - 3


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of a service mesh in a microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To provide load balancing capabilities
To handle inter-service communication
To handle inter-service communication

Which of the following is an example of a popular service mesh used in microservices architecture?
Apache Hadoop

What is the purpose of a configuration server in a microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To store and provide configuration data to services
To provide load balancing capabilities
To store and provide configuration data to services

Which of the following is a benefit of using Kubernetes for container orchestration in microservices architecture?
It provides built-in security features
It is lightweight and fast
It supports scaling and load balancing
It supports scaling and load balancing

What is the purpose of a discovery server in a microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To provide service registration and discovery
To handle inter-service communication
To provide service registration and discovery

Which of the following is an example of a discovery server used in microservices architecture?
Netflix Eureka
Apache Kafka
Netflix Eureka

What is the purpose of an API gateway in a microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To provide service discovery
To expose a unified API for client applications
To expose a unified API for client applications

Which of the following is an example of a popular API gateway used in microservices architecture?
Netflix Zuul
Apache Cassandra
Netflix Zuul

What is the purpose of a load testing tool in microservices architecture?
To monitor services and detect errors
To simulate user traffic and test application performance
To handle inter-service communication
To simulate user traffic and test application performance

Which of the following is an example of a popular load testing tool used in microservices architecture?
Apache JMeter
Apache JMeter

{"qz1-506147":"To handle inter-service communication","qz1-506148":"Istio","qz1-506149":"To store and provide configuration data to services","qz1-506150":"It supports scaling and load balancing","qz1-506151":"To provide service registration and discovery","qz1-506152":"Netflix Eureka","qz1-506153":"To expose a unified API for client applications","qz1-506154":"Netflix Zuul","qz1-506155":"To simulate user traffic and test application performance","qz1-506156":"Apache JMeter"}

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