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Quiz - Microservices - 2


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Select the right answer for below questions:

Which of the following is a benefit of using Docker for containerization in microservices architecture?
It offers built-in security features
It is lightweight and portable
It supports multiple programming languages
It is lightweight and portable

What is the purpose of a load balancer in a microservices architecture?
To route traffic to the appropriate service
To protect against distributed denial-of-service attacks
To encrypt data in transit
To route traffic to the appropriate service

What is the purpose of a message queue in a microservices architecture?
To manage and monitor services
To store and transmit messages between services
To provide load balancing capabilities
To store and transmit messages between services

Which of the following is an example of a message broker commonly used in microservices architecture?
Apache Cassandra

What is the purpose of a database per service pattern in a microservices architecture?
To reduce network traffic
To increase security by isolating data
To enable data sharing between services
To increase security by isolating data

Which of the following is a key feature of Spring Boot?
Built-in security features
Support for multiple programming languages
Lightweight and fast
Lightweight and fast

Which of the following annotations is used to define a database connection in Spring Boot?

What is the purpose of the @RestController annotation in Spring Boot?
It marks a class as a component
It defines a web endpoint
It injects dependencies into a class
It defines a web endpoint

Which of the following is a benefit of using Spring Boot for microservices development?
It offers built-in load balancing and failover capabilities
It is designed for building monolithic applications
It supports only a single programming language
It offers built-in load balancing and failover capabilities

What is the purpose of the @Component annotation in Spring Boot?
It injects dependencies into a class
It marks a class as a component
It defines a web endpoint
It marks a class as a component

{"qz1-911548":"It is lightweight and portable","qz1-911549":"To route traffic to the appropriate service","qz1-911550":"To store and transmit messages between services","qz1-911551":"RabbitMQ","qz1-911552":"To increase security by isolating data","qz1-911553":"Lightweight and fast","qz1-911554":"@Configuration","qz1-911555":"It defines a web endpoint","qz1-911556":"It offers built-in load balancing and failover capabilities","qz1-911557":"It marks a class as a component"}

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