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SonarQube Quality Gates
Here's an explanation of SonarQube quality gates and how to use them:
What are SonarQube quality gates?
- Quality gates are a feature in SonarQube that allow you to define thresholds for various metrics related to code quality, such as code coverage, code duplication, and code complexity.
- Quality gates help you ensure that your code meets certain standards before it's considered ready for production.
How to set up a quality gate in SonarQube:
- Define the metrics you want to use in your quality gate.
- Navigate to the "Quality Gates" page in the SonarQube web interface.
- Click on "Create" to create a new quality gate.
- Under the "Conditions" tab, choose the metrics you want to use in your quality gate. You can select from a variety of metrics, such as code coverage, code duplication, and code complexity.
- Set the threshold values for each metric.
- For each metric you selected, set the threshold values for each severity level (e.g. "OK", "Warning", "Error").
- For example, you might set a threshold of 80% code coverage for "OK", 60% for "Warning", and 40% for "Error".
- Assign the quality gate to your project.
- Navigate to your project's settings in the SonarQube web interface.
- Under the "Quality Gates" tab, select the quality gate you just created.
How to interpret quality gate results:
- Once you've set up a quality gate for your project, you can view the results of the analysis in the SonarQube web interface.
- The results will indicate whether the analysis passed or failed the quality gate based on the thresholds you set up.
- If the analysis failed the quality gate, you can view the specific issues that caused the failure and take steps to address them.
Here's an example of how to set up a quality gate using the SonarQube web API:
pythonCopy code
curl -u admin:admin -X POST "http://localhost:9000/api/qualitygates/create" -d "name=My Quality Gate" -d "language=java"
curl -u admin:admin -X POST "http://localhost:9000/api/qualitygates/create_condition" -d "gateId=My_Quality_Gate_ID" -d "metric=coverage" -d "op=GT" -d "warning=60" -d "error=40"
In this example, we're creating a quality gate called "My Quality Gate" for Java code. We're then creating a condition for the quality gate that sets a threshold for code coverage: 60% for "Warning" and 40% for "Error". Note that you'll need to replace "My_Quality_Gate_ID" with the ID of the quality gate you just created.
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