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Quiz - Spring Boot - 4


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of the @Primary annotation in Spring Boot?
To specify that a bean should be given priority when multiple beans are candidates for autowiring.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To specify that a bean should be given priority when multiple beans are candidates for autowiring.

What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?
To indicate that a field should be autowired with a bean from the Spring configuration.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To indicate that a field should be autowired with a bean from the Spring configuration.

What is the purpose of the @Qualifier annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To specify the name of a bean to use when multiple beans are candidates for autowiring.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To specify the name of a bean to use when multiple beans are candidates for autowiring.

What is the purpose of the @Service annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To indicate that a class is a service in the application.
To indicate that a class is a service in the application.

What is the purpose of the @Repository annotation in Spring Boot?
To indicate that a class is a repository in the application.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To indicate that a class is a repository in the application.

What is the purpose of the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To enable auto-configuration in the application.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To enable auto-configuration in the application.

What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation in Spring Boot?
To enable auto-configuration and component scanning in the application.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To enable auto-configuration and component scanning in the application.

What is the purpose of the Spring Boot DevTools module?
To provide a set of tools for developers to increase the productivity during development, including hot reload and remote debugging.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To provide a set of tools for developers to increase the productivity during development, including hot reload and remote debugging.

What is the purpose of the Spring Boot Actuator module?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To provide a set of tools for managing and monitoring the application, including health check, metrics, and auditing.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To provide a set of tools for managing and monitoring the application, including health check, metrics, and auditing.

What is the purpose of the @RestController annotation in Spring Boot?
To indicate that a class is a RESTful web service controller.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To indicate that a class is a RESTful web service controller.

{"qz1-553968":"To specify that a bean should be given priority when multiple beans are candidates for autowiring.","qz1-553969":"To indicate that a field should be autowired with a bean from the Spring configuration.","qz1-553970":"To specify the name of a bean to use when multiple beans are candidates for autowiring.","qz1-553971":"To indicate that a class is a service in the application.","qz1-553972":"To indicate that a class is a repository in the application.","qz1-553973":"To enable auto-configuration in the application.","qz1-553974":"To enable auto-configuration and component scanning in the application.","qz1-553975":"To provide a set of tools for developers to increase the productivity during development, including hot reload and remote debugging.","qz1-553976":"To provide a set of tools for managing and monitoring the application, including health check, metrics, and auditing.","qz1-553977":"To indicate that a class is a RESTful web service controller."}

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