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Spring Boot Interview Questions A

What is Spring Boot, and how does it differ from the traditional Spring framework?
Explain the primary goals of Spring Boot.
What are the advantages of using Spring Boot in microservices architecture?
How do you create a basic Spring Boot application?
Describe the purpose of the Spring Initializer.
How do you find out transitive dependencies in Spring Boot application
What is the significance of the @SpringBootApplication annotation?
How is Spring Boot auto-configuration helpful for developers?
What could be the disadvantages of Spring boot auto configuration(**)
One of the Spring Boot Microservice is taking longer than expected time to start up. What could be the reasons.(**)
What is the embedded web server used in Spring Boot, and how is it configured?
Explain the difference between Spring Boot starters and custom dependencies.
Explain the Spring WebFlux framework for building reactive applications.(**)
How is externalized configuration managed in Spring Boot applications?
Describe the default directory structure of a Spring Boot application.
How do you package a Spring Boot application for deployment?
Explain the role of the src/main/resources directory.
What is the (or application.yml) file used for in Spring Boot?
How are static resources (e.g., HTML, CSS, JS files) handled in Spring Boot?
What is the purpose of the templates directory in Spring Boot?
How can you organize your application into modules using Spring Boot?
Describe the @ComponentScan annotation and its use.
How is versioning and artifact management done in a Spring Boot application?
What is the Spring Boot Actuator, and how does it help in monitoring?
Explain the purpose of Spring Boot's spring.factories file.
How can you disable specific auto-configurations in Spring Boot?
What are conditional annotations, and how do they affect auto-configuration?
How do you create custom auto-configuration classes in Spring Boot?
How do you customize the properties of auto-configured beans?
Explain the concept of auto-configured embedded databases in Spring Boot.
How can you exclude a specific auto-configuration class in Spring Boot?
Describe the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-parent in Maven.
How do you create a custom Spring Boot starter?
What is the role of the spring-boot-starter-web in web application development?
How does the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa simplify data access?
Explain the use of the spring-boot-starter-test in Spring Boot testing.
How do you resolve dependencies when using Spring Boot starters?
What is the benefit of using Spring Boot's opinionated defaults?
How can you create a custom Spring Boot starter for an organization?
How do you define profiles in Spring Boot?
How can you override configuration properties in Spring Boot?
What is the precedence order for property sources in Spring Boot?
How are environment-specific property files loaded in Spring Boot?
Describe the use of the @PropertySource annotation in Spring Boot.
How do you access properties in Spring Boot using the @Value annotation?
What is the role of the Environment in Spring Boot configuration?
How are command-line arguments and environment variables used for configuration?
What is Spring Boot Actuator, and how does it provide operational features?
Explain the purpose of health indicators in Spring Boot Actuator.
How can you enable or disable specific Actuator endpoints?
Describe the /health endpoint and its use in monitoring.
How is custom health check logic implemented in Spring Boot?
What is the significance of the /info endpoint in Actuator?
How is application version information exposed using Actuator?
How can you secure Actuator endpoints using Spring Security?
What is the /metrics endpoint, and what kind of metrics are available?
Explain the use of the /env endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator.
How is security handled in Spring Boot applications?
Explain the default security configuration in Spring Boot.
How can you customize security configurations in Spring Boot?
What is the role of the @EnableWebSecurity annotation in Spring Boot?
Describe the use of authentication and authorization in Spring Boot.
How do you enable and configure Spring Security for RESTful APIs?

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