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Spring Boot Interview Questions B

What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, and how is it configured?
How is password hashing and salting implemented in Spring Boot security?
Explain the purpose of the @Secured and @PreAuthorize annotations.
How can you configure Single Sign-On (SSO) in Spring Boot security?
How does Spring Boot support web development?
Explain the role of the DispatcherServlet in Spring Boot.
What is a controller in Spring Boot, and how is it implemented?
Describe the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern in Spring Boot.
How do you map URLs to controllers in Spring Boot?
How is data passed between the controller and view in Spring Boot?
Explain the @RequestMapping annotation and its use.
How can you enable and configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Spring Boot?
Describe the use of interceptors in Spring Boot for request pre-processing.
How is data access handled in Spring Boot applications?
Explain the use of the JdbcTemplate for JDBC operations in Spring Boot.
What is the purpose of Spring Data JPA, and how does it simplify data access?
How is transaction management configured in Spring Boot data access?
Describe the use of the @Transactional annotation in Spring Boot.
What is Spring Data MongoDB, and how is it used for NoSQL data access?
How do you handle caching in Spring Boot for performance optimization?
Explain the use of Spring Data Redis for working with Redis databases.
What types of testing are supported in Spring Boot?
How can you write unit tests for Spring Boot components?
Describe the purpose of the @SpringBootTest annotation in integration testing.
What is the @MockBean annotation, and how does it work in testing?
How is test slicing used to test specific parts of a Spring Boot application?
How do you perform REST API testing in Spring Boot?
What is Test-Driven Development (TDD), and how does it apply to Spring Boot?
Describe the benefits of using Spring Boot for microservices development.
How is Spring Boot different from the traditional Spring framework in terms of configuration?

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