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Quiz - Kubernetes - 5


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is a Kubernetes job?
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing stateful containers
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing stateless containers
A tool for running a specific task or set of tasks to completion
A network object used to manage traffic between pods
A tool for running a specific task or set of tasks to completion

What is a Kubernetes namespace?
A tool for managing network traffic within a Kubernetes cluster
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing containers
A way to partition a single Kubernetes cluster into multiple virtual clusters
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing network objects
A way to partition a single Kubernetes cluster into multiple virtual clusters

Which Kubernetes command can be used to view the logs of a container in a pod?
kubectl logs
kubectl describe
kubectl exec
kubectl apply
kubectl logs

What is a Kubernetes stateful set?
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing stateful containers
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing stateless containers
A tool for running a specific task or set of tasks to completion
A network object used to manage traffic between pods
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing stateful containers

Which Kubernetes component is responsible for scheduling pods to run on specific nodes in a Kubernetes cluster?

What is a Kubernetes secret?
A tool for managing network traffic within a Kubernetes cluster
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing containers
A way to store and manage sensitive information in Kubernetes
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing network objects
A way to store and manage sensitive information in Kubernetes

Which Kubernetes command can be used to scale a deployment?
kubectl scale
kubectl update
kubectl apply
kubectl create
kubectl scale

What is a Kubernetes configmap?
A tool for managing network traffic within a Kubernetes cluster
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing containers
A way to store and manage configuration data in Kubernetes
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing network objects
A way to store and manage configuration data in Kubernetes

Which Kubernetes resource is used to manage a set of related services and their access policies?

What is a Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler?
A tool for managing network traffic within a Kubernetes cluster
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing containers
A tool for automatically scaling the number of pods in a deployment
A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing network objects
A tool for automatically scaling the number of pods in a deployment

{"qz1-978079":"A tool for running a specific task or set of tasks to completion","qz1-978080":"A way to partition a single Kubernetes cluster into multiple virtual clusters","qz1-978081":"kubectl logs","qz1-978082":"A type of Kubernetes resource used for managing stateful containers","qz1-978083":"kube-scheduler","qz1-978084":"A way to store and manage sensitive information in Kubernetes","qz1-978085":"kubectl scale","qz1-978086":"A way to store and manage configuration data in Kubernetes","qz1-978087":"Namespace","qz1-978088":"A tool for automatically scaling the number of pods in a deployment"}

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