Kubernetes - Interview Questions
- What is Kubernetes?
Answer: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
- What are the key components of Kubernetes?
Answer: The key components of Kubernetes include the API server, etcd, kubelet, kube-proxy, and the controller manager.
- What is a Pod in Kubernetes?
Answer: A Pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, which can contain one or more containers.
- What is a Kubernetes Service?
Answer: A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction layer that provides a stable network endpoint for a set of Pods.
- What is a Kubernetes ReplicaSet?
Answer: A ReplicaSet is a Kubernetes object that ensures a specified number of replicas of a Pod are running at all times.
- What is a Kubernetes Deployment?
Answer: A Kubernetes Deployment is an object that manages a ReplicaSet and provides declarative updates to Pods and ReplicaSets.
- What is a Kubernetes StatefulSet?
Answer: A Kubernetes StatefulSet is an object that manages the deployment of stateful applications, such as databases.
- What is a Kubernetes ConfigMap?
Answer: A Kubernetes ConfigMap is an object that stores configuration data as key-value pairs and makes it available to Pods in a namespace.
- What is a Kubernetes Secret?
Answer: A Kubernetes Secret is an object that stores sensitive information, such as passwords or keys, and makes it available to Pods in a namespace.
- What is a Kubernetes DaemonSet?
Answer: A Kubernetes DaemonSet is an object that ensures that a copy of a Pod is running on every node in a cluster.
- What is a Kubernetes Job?
Answer: A Kubernetes Job is an object that creates one or more Pods and ensures that a specified number of them successfully terminate.
- What is Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)?
Answer: A Kubernetes HPA automatically scales the number of Pods in a deployment or replica set based on CPU usage or other metrics.
- What is Kubernetes Node Affinity?
Answer: Kubernetes Node Affinity is a feature that allows Pod scheduling based on the attributes of a node, such as its hardware or labels.
- What is Kubernetes NetworkPolicy?
Answer: Kubernetes NetworkPolicy is a feature that allows fine-grained control over network traffic to and from Pods.
- What is Kubernetes Ingress?
Answer: Kubernetes Ingress is an object that provides external access to Services in a cluster.
- What is Kubernetes Operator?
Answer: A Kubernetes Operator is a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a complex application on a Kubernetes cluster using custom controllers.
- What is Kubernetes Kubectl?
Answer: Kubernetes Kubectl is a command-line tool used to deploy and manage applications on a Kubernetes cluster.
- What is Kubernetes Helm?
Answer: Kubernetes Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that provides an easy way to find, share, and deploy software on a Kubernetes cluster.
- What is Kubernetes State Metrics?
Answer: Kubernetes State Metrics is a service that collects and exposes cluster-level metrics about the state of Kubernetes objects.
- What are the benefits of using Kubernetes?
Answer: The benefits of using Kubernetes include automatic scaling, high availability, easy deployment and management of containerized applications, and support for a wide range of deployment patterns and container runtimes.
- What is Kubernetes Deployment Rollout?
Answer: Kubernetes Deployment Rollout is a feature that allows you to update an application without downtime by gradually replacing the old version with the new one.
- What is a Kubernetes Namespace?
Answer: A Kubernetes Namespace is a virtual cluster that provides a way to divide a physical cluster into multiple logical clusters.
- What is Kubernetes Pod Preset?
Answer: Kubernetes Pod Preset is a feature that allows you to set environment variables, volumes, and other configuration settings for a group of Pods.
- What is Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler?
Answer: Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler is a tool that automatically adjusts the size of a cluster based on the demand for resources.
- What is Kubernetes Volume?
Answer: A Kubernetes Volume is a directory that contains data that can be shared among containers in a Pod.
- What is Kubernetes Persistent Volume?
Answer: Kubernetes Persistent Volume is a type of volume that provides a way to store data in a durable and portable manner across multiple Pods.
- What is Kubernetes StorageClass?
Answer: Kubernetes StorageClass is an object that defines a set of storage requirements and parameters for a Persistent Volume.
- What is Kubernetes Container Runtime?
Answer: Kubernetes Container Runtime is the software that runs containers on a Kubernetes cluster, such as Docker or CRI-O.
- What is Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD)?
Answer: Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is a way to extend the Kubernetes API with custom resources and controllers.
- What is Kubernetes Resource Quota?
Answer: Kubernetes Resource Quota is a feature that allows you to limit the amount of CPU, memory, and other resources that can be used by a namespace.
- What is Kubernetes Admission Controller?
Answer: Kubernetes Admission Controller is a feature that allows you to enforce custom policies and rules when Pods are created, updated, or deleted.
- What is Kubernetes Configurator?
Answer: Kubernetes Configurator is a tool that simplifies the creation and management of Kubernetes configuration files.
- What is Kubernetes Ingress Controller?
Answer: Kubernetes Ingress Controller is a service that routes traffic from external clients to Services in a cluster.
- What is Kubernetes API Server?
Answer: Kubernetes API Server is the primary control plane component that exposes the Kubernetes API and processes requests from kubectl and other Kubernetes components.
- What is Kubernetes API Extension?
Answer: Kubernetes API Extension is a way to add custom resources, controllers, and other functionality to the Kubernetes API.
- What is Kubernetes Secret Store?
Answer: Kubernetes Secret Store is a tool that securely stores and manages secrets used by applications running on a Kubernetes cluster.
- What is Kubernetes Metrics Server?
Answer: Kubernetes Metrics Server is a service that collects and exposes cluster-level metrics about CPU and memory usage.
- What is Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)?
Answer: Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) is a feature that automatically scales the number of Pods in a deployment or replica set based on CPU usage or other metrics.
- What is Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA)?
Answer: Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA) is a feature that automatically adjusts the resource requests and limits for containers in a Pod based on their resource usage.
- What is Kubernetes Kubelet?
Answer: Kubernetes Kubelet is the primary node agent that runs on each node and is responsible for managing Pods and containers.
- What is Kubernetes ConfigMap?
Answer: Kubernetes ConfigMap is a way to store configuration data as key-value pairs and consume it in Pods as environment variables or mounted volumes.
- What is Kubernetes Service Mesh?
Answer: Kubernetes Service Mesh is a layer of infrastructure that handles service-to-service communication in a cluster, including traffic routing, load balancing, and security.
- What is Kubernetes StatefulSet?
Answer: Kubernetes StatefulSet is a type of deployment that provides stable, unique network identities and persistent storage for Pods, allowing stateful applications to be deployed on Kubernetes.
- What is Kubernetes Job?
Answer: Kubernetes Job is a type of controller that creates one or more Pods to perform a specific task and terminates them once the task is complete.
- What is Kubernetes CronJob?
Answer: Kubernetes CronJob is a type of controller that creates Pods on a scheduled basis, allowing you to automate periodic tasks like backups, log rotation, or database maintenance.
- What is Kubernetes Node Selector?
Answer: Kubernetes Node Selector is a way to specify which nodes in a cluster a Pod can be scheduled on, based on labels and selectors.
- What is Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations?
Answer: Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations is a feature that allows you to mark nodes as unsuitable for scheduling Pods, except for those that explicitly tolerate the taint.
- What is Kubernetes Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity?
Answer: Kubernetes Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity is a feature that allows you to schedule Pods based on their relationships with other Pods, such as co-located, co-located on different nodes, or anti-affinity.
- What is Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Federation?
Answer: Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Federation is a way to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters as a single entity, allowing you to deploy and manage applications across multiple clusters.
- What is Kubernetes Helm?
Answer: Kubernetes Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of complex applications on Kubernetes.
- What is Kubernetes Custom Resource Metrics (CRMs)?
Answer: Kubernetes Custom Resource Metrics (CRMs) is a feature that allows you to expose custom metrics from your applications and use them in horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA).
- What is Kubernetes External Storage Provider?
Answer: Kubernetes External Storage Provider is a way to use external storage systems, such as Amazon EBS, Google Persistent Disk, or NFS, as persistent volumes in Kubernetes.
- What is Kubernetes Network Policy?
Answer: Kubernetes Network Policy is a feature that allows you to define rules for network traffic between Pods and Services, based on labels and selectors.
- What is Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)?
Answer: Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a way to control access to Kubernetes resources based on roles, role bindings, and users or groups.
- What is Kubernetes Service Discovery?
Answer: Kubernetes Service Discovery is a feature that allows you to automatically discover and connect to Services in a cluster, based on DNS or IP address.
- What is Kubernetes Logging and Monitoring?
Answer: Kubernetes Logging and Monitoring is a way to collect and analyze logs and metrics from containers and applications running on a Kubernetes cluster, using tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Elasticsearch.
- What is Kubernetes Cloud Provider Integration?
Answer: Kubernetes Cloud Provider Integration is a way to integrate Kubernetes with cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure, to provision and manage resources in the cloud.
- What is Kubernetes Node Maintenance?
Answer: Kubernetes Node Maintenance is a way to perform planned maintenance on nodes in a cluster, such as upgrading the operating system, without causing downtime or disruption to applications.
- What is Kubernetes Deployment?
Answer: Kubernetes Deployment is a type of controller that manages a set of identical Pods, allowing you to roll out updates and rollbacks, and perform scaling and self-healing.
- What is Kubernetes DaemonSet?
Answer: Kubernetes DaemonSet is a type of controller that ensures that a specific Pod runs on every node in a cluster, allowing you to deploy system daemons or monitoring agents.
- What is Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)?
Answer: Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is a feature that automatically scales the number of Pods based on CPU or custom metrics, allowing you to handle traffic spikes and optimize resource utilization.
- What is Kubernetes Ingress?
Answer: Kubernetes Ingress is a feature that provides external access to Services in a cluster, by routing HTTP or HTTPS traffic to specific Services based on hostnames or paths.
- What is Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)?
Answer: Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is a way to request and use persistent storage resources in a cluster, such as NFS or block storage, by defining a storage class and a claim.
- What is Kubernetes Secret?
Answer: Kubernetes Secret is a way to store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, API keys, or certificates, in an encrypted format, and consume it in Pods as environment variables or mounted volumes.
- What is Kubernetes Pod Security Policy?
Answer: Kubernetes Pod Security Policy is a feature that allows you to define and enforce security policies for Pods, based on attributes such as the use of privileged containers, the use of host namespaces, or the use of volume types.
- What is Kubernetes Container Runtime?
Answer: Kubernetes Container Runtime is the software that manages and executes containers on a node in a cluster, such as Docker, containerd, or CRI-O.
- What is Kubernetes ConfigMap Reload?
Answer: Kubernetes ConfigMap Reload is a tool that automatically reloads ConfigMaps in a Pod when they change, allowing you to update the configuration of a running application without restarting it.
- What is Kubernetes PodDisruptionBudget?
Answer: Kubernetes PodDisruptionBudget is a way to ensure high availability and minimize downtime during maintenance or failure scenarios, by specifying the minimum number of replicas that should remain available during disruptions.
- What is Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD)?
Answer: Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is a way to extend the Kubernetes API with custom resources and controllers, allowing you to define and manage application-specific objects.
- What is Kubernetes Network Service Mesh?
Answer: Kubernetes Network Service Mesh is an extension of the Service Mesh that provides advanced networking capabilities, such as multi-cluster connectivity, layer 3 routing, and VPN integration.
- What is Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling?
Answer: Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling is a feature that allows you to scale your applications based on external events, such as queue length, message rate, or HTTP requests, using tools like KEDA or Knative.
- What is Kubernetes State Metrics?
Answer: Kubernetes State Metrics is a tool that exposes Kubernetes API server metrics as Prometheus metrics, allowing you to monitor the health and performance of the Kubernetes control plane.
- What is Kubernetes Backup and Restore?
Answer: Kubernetes Backup and Restore is a way to back up and restore the state of a cluster, including resources, configuration, and data, using tools like Velero or Heptio Ark.
- What is Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI)?
Answer: Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) is a specification that defines how containers are networked in a cluster, allowing you to use different network plugins, such as Calico, Flannel, or Weave Net.
- What is Kubernetes Pod?
Answer: Kubernetes Pod is the smallest deployable unit in a cluster, consisting of one or more containers that share the same network namespace and storage volumes.
- What is Kubernetes StatefulSet?
Answer: Kubernetes StatefulSet is a type of controller that manages a set of stateful Pods, allowing you to maintain a stable identity, network identity, and storage identity for each Pod.
- What is Kubernetes ConfigMap?
Answer: Kubernetes ConfigMap is a way to store and manage configuration data, such as application properties or environment variables, in a key-value format, and consume it in Pods as environment variables or mounted volumes.
- What is Kubernetes Service?
Answer: Kubernetes Service is a way to expose a set of Pods as a stable network endpoint, by creating a virtual IP address and load balancing traffic among the Pods based on a label selector.
- What is Kubernetes Namespace?
Answer: Kubernetes Namespace is a way to organize and isolate resources in a cluster, by creating logical partitions that have their own names, quotas, and access policies.
- What is Kubernetes Label?
Answer: Kubernetes Label is a key-value pair that is attached to Kubernetes objects, such as Pods, Services, or Deployments, and is used for selecting and grouping related objects.
- What is Kubernetes Node?
Answer: Kubernetes Node is a worker machine in a cluster, responsible for running Pods and providing compute, storage, and networking resources.
- What is Kubernetes Cluster?
Answer: Kubernetes Cluster is a set of nodes that run containerized applications and are managed by the Kubernetes control plane, consisting of the API server, etcd, scheduler, and controller manager.
- What is Kubernetes API Server?
Answer: Kubernetes API Server is the central component of the Kubernetes control plane, responsible for processing and serving API requests, and managing the state of the cluster.
- What is Kubernetes etcd?
Answer: Kubernetes etcd is a distributed key-value store that is used as the primary data store for Kubernetes, storing the configuration data, the state of the objects, and the events.
- What is Kubernetes Scheduler?
Answer: Kubernetes Scheduler is a component of the Kubernetes control plane, responsible for assigning Pods to nodes based on resource requirements, affinity, anti-affinity, and other constraints.
- What is Kubernetes Controller Manager?
Answer: Kubernetes Controller Manager is a component of the Kubernetes control plane, responsible for running and managing the various controllers, such as Deployment, ReplicaSet, and StatefulSet.
- What is Kubernetes Kubectl?
Answer: Kubernetes Kubectl is a command-line tool that is used to interact with the Kubernetes API server, and perform various operations, such as creating, updating, and deleting Kubernetes objects.
- What is Kubernetes Helm?
Answer: Kubernetes Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, allowing you to define, install, and upgrade applications as Helm charts, which are a set of YAML files that describe the resources, configuration, and dependencies.
- What is Kubernetes Operator?
Answer: Kubernetes Operator is a method of deploying and managing complex applications in a Kubernetes cluster, by defining and automating the application-specific logic as a custom controller, using tools like the Operator SDK or KubeBuilder.
- What is Kubernetes Gateway?
Answer: Kubernetes Gateway is a way to expose services outside the cluster, by creating an entry point that routes traffic to the appropriate service based on the URI, headers, or other criteria.
- What is Kubernetes CSI Driver?
Answer: Kubernetes CSI Driver is a way to integrate external storage systems into Kubernetes, by implementing the Container Storage Interface (CSI) specification, allowing you to dynamically provision and mount volumes in Pods.
- What is a Kubernetes Deployment?
Answer: A Kubernetes Deployment is a high-level object that manages a set of replica Pods, allowing you to declaratively specify the desired state of the application and perform rolling updates and rollbacks.
- What is a Kubernetes DaemonSet?
Answer: A Kubernetes DaemonSet is a type of controller that ensures that a single copy of a Pod is running on each node in a cluster, allowing you to perform node-level operations, such as logging, monitoring, or networking.
- What is a Kubernetes Ingress?
Answer: A Kubernetes Ingress is a way to expose HTTP and HTTPS services outside the cluster, by creating a rules-based routing mechanism that maps incoming requests to the appropriate service based on the hostname, path, or other criteria.
- What is a Kubernetes Volume?
Answer: A Kubernetes Volume is a way to provide persistent storage to containers in a Pod, by attaching a disk or network-based storage system as a directory inside the container's file system.
- What is a Kubernetes Persistent Volume?
Answer: A Kubernetes Persistent Volume is a way to abstract and manage external storage resources in a cluster, by creating a persistent storage object that can be dynamically provisioned, bound, and used by Pods.
- What is a Kubernetes StorageClass?
Answer: A Kubernetes StorageClass is a way to define and manage different types of storage resources in a cluster, by creating a set of parameters that can be used to dynamically provision Persistent Volumes based on storage requirements.
- What is a Kubernetes Pod Security Policy?
Answer: A Kubernetes Pod Security Policy is a way to define and enforce security settings for Pods in a cluster, by creating a set of rules that limit the use of privileged containers, host namespaces, and other potentially harmful features.
- What is a Kubernetes RBAC?
Answer: A Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a way to control and restrict access to Kubernetes resources based on user roles and permissions, by defining a set of rules that grant or deny actions on objects.
- What is a Kubernetes Admission Controller?
Answer: A Kubernetes Admission Controller is a mechanism that intercepts and validates API requests to the Kubernetes API server, allowing you to enforce policies and constraints, such as Pod security, resource limits, or network policies.
- What is a Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler?
Answer: A Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is a controller that automatically scales the number of replicas of a Deployment or ReplicaSet based on CPU utilization or custom metrics, ensuring that the application can handle varying loads.
- What is a Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler?
Answer: A Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler is a controller that adjusts the resource requests and limits of individual containers in a Pod based on the actual resource usage, optimizing the resource allocation and improving the performance of the application.
- What is a Kubernetes Network Policy?
Answer: A Kubernetes Network Policy is a way to define and enforce network isolation and security rules in a cluster, by specifying a set of ingress and egress rules that restrict the traffic between Pods based on labels and ports.
- What is a Kubernetes ConfigMap Controller?
Answer: A Kubernetes ConfigMap Controller is a type of controller that ensures that Pods and other objects are updated when a ConfigMap changes, allowing you to manage configuration data in a centralized and automated way.
- What is a Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budget?
Answer: A Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budget is a way to ensure high availability and fault tolerance of applications in a cluster, by setting a minimum number of Pods that must be available during planned or unplanned disruptions, such as upgrades, maintenance, or failures.
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