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Using OC Commands

"oc" (OpenShift Client) is a command-line tool that can be used to manage resources in an OpenShift cluster. The "oc" tool provides a range of commands that can be used to perform various tasks, such as creating and managing projects, deploying applications, and managing resources such as pods and services. Here are a few examples of "oc" commands and what they can be used for:
  • "oc adm diagnostics": This command is used to diagnose problems in an OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc adm diagnostics": This command is used to run diagnostics on the OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc adm manage-node": This command is used to manage nodes in a OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc adm manage-node": This command is used to manage nodes in the OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc adm policy": This command is used to manage cluster policies in OpenShift.
  • "oc adm prune": This command is used to prune resources in the OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc adm top": This command is used to retrieve information about system resource usage in an OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc adm": This command is used to perform administrative tasks in OpenShift, such as managing users and managing resources.
  • "oc annotate": This command is used to add, remove, or update annotations for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc apply": This command is used to apply changes to resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc cancel-build": This command is used to cancel a build in OpenShift.
  • "oc create configmap": This command is used to create a ConfigMap in OpenShift.
  • "oc create secret": This command is used to create a secret in OpenShift.
  • "oc create": This command is used to create new resources in OpenShift, such as pods, services, and deployments.
  • "oc debug": This command is used to debug resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc delete all": This command is used to delete all resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc delete configmap": This command is used to delete a ConfigMap in OpenShift.
  • "oc delete secret": This command is used to delete a secret from OpenShift.
  • "oc delete": This command is used to delete resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc describe": This command is used to display detailed information about a resource in OpenShift.
  • "oc describe": This command is used to retrieve detailed information about a specific resource in OpenShift.
  • "oc edit": This command is used to edit resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc explain": This command is used to show documentation for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc export": This command is used to export resources in OpenShift as YAML files.
  • "oc expose": This command is used to expose a service to the external network in OpenShift.
  • "oc get configmaps": This command is used to retrieve ConfigMaps in OpenShift.
  • "oc get events": This command is used to retrieve events in OpenShift.
  • "oc get nodes": This command is used to retrieve nodes in an OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc get secrets": This command is used to retrieve secrets from OpenShift.
  • "oc get": This command is used to retrieve information about resources in OpenShift, such as pods, services, and deployments.
  • "oc import-image": This command is used to import images into OpenShift.
  • "oc label": This command is used to add, remove, or update labels for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc login": This command is used to log in to an OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc logout": This command is used to log out of an OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc logs": This command is used to retrieve logs for a resource in OpenShift.
  • "oc logs": This command is used to retrieve logs from resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc new-app": This command is used to create a new application in OpenShift using source code or images.
  • "oc patch": This command is used to update resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc policy": This command is used to manage policy in OpenShift, such as setting role-based access controls (RBAC) and resource quotas.
  • "oc port-forward": This command is used to forward a local port to a pod in OpenShift.
  • "oc process": This command is used to process and apply OpenShift templates.
  • "oc projects": This command is used to list the projects in an OpenShift cluster.
  • "oc rollout history": This command is used to retrieve the history of rolling updates for a resource in OpenShift.
  • "oc rollout history": This command is used to view the rollout history of a resource in OpenShift.
  • "oc rollout status": This command is used to retrieve the status of a rolling update in OpenShift.
  • "oc rollout undo": This command is used to undo a previous rollout in OpenShift.
  • "oc rollout": This command is used to manage rolling updates for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc rollout": This command is used to manage updates to resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc rsh": This command is used to access a shell on a running pod in OpenShift.
  • "oc rsh": This command is used to run a command in a running container in OpenShift.
  • "oc rsync": This command is used to synchronize files and directories between the local file system and a running container in OpenShift.
  • "oc scale": This command is used to scale resources in OpenShift, such as pods and deployments.
  • "oc set env": This command is used to set environment variables for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc set image": This command is used to update image references for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc set resources": This command is used to set resource limits for resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc start-build": This command is used to start a build in OpenShift.
  • "oc status": This command is used to retrieve the status of resources in OpenShift.
  • "oc tag": This command is used to manage image tags in OpenShift.
  • "oc version": This command is used to display the version of the "oc" client.

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