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Java Interview Questions C

Explain the Spring Framework and its core modules.
Discuss Hibernate and its advantages in database interaction.
What is Apache Struts, and how is it used in web applications?
Describe the Apache Maven build tool.
What is log4j, and how is it used for logging in Java?
Explain JUnit and its importance in testing.
Discuss the role of Apache Tomcat in web application deployment.
Explain the concepts of classes and objects in Java.
What is the purpose of the java.util.Collections class?
Explain the concept of fail-fast and fail-safe iterators.
What are generics, and why are they used in Java?(**)
Explain type parameterization in generic classes and methods.
Discuss bounded wildcards in Java generics.
Describe the purpose of the and wildcards.
How do you implement a generic class in Java?
Discuss the use of wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods for inter-thread communication.
How do you read and write data to and from a file in Java?
Describe the java.util.function package and its functional interfaces.
How is the Optional class used to handle null values in Java 8?
How can you monitor and tune garbage collection in Java?
What is the Strategy design pattern, and how is it implemented?
Discuss the Adapter and Decorator design patterns.
Explain Servlets and their lifecycle in Java EE.
Discuss JavaServer Pages (JSP) and their advantages.
What is the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)?
What is the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)?
Describe the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS).
How is web service security implemented in Java?
Discuss the concept of WSDL (Web Services Description Language).
What is the Spring Boot framework, and how is it different from the Spring Framework?
Describe the Spring Security module and its features.
What is aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and how is it implemented in Spring?
Describe the Spring Cloud framework for building microservices.
What is JavaServer Faces (JSF), and how is it used in web development?
Discuss the Apache Camel framework for routing and mediation.
Describe the use of Apache Kafka in event streaming applications.
How does Spring Data simplify data access and repository management?
Explain the Spring WebFlux framework for building reactive applications.
How does Spring Cloud Data Flow simplify data microservices?
What is Spring Data JPA, and how is it used for data access?
Explain the purpose of the Spring Batch framework for batch processing.
How does Apache Cassandra work, and what are its use cases?
Describe the Spring Cloud Config framework for externalized configuration.
What is the Apache Hadoop framework, and how is it used for big data processing?
Discuss the use of the Spring Cloud Sleuth framework for distributed tracing.
Explain the Spring Cloud Netflix project and its components.
Describe the Spring Cloud Security framework for authentication and authorization.
How does Spring Cloud Gateway simplify building API gateways?
Explain the Spring Web Services framework for building web services.
Describe the use of Spring Security OAuth for building secure APIs.
How does Spring Cloud Vault simplify integration with HashiCorp Vault?
Explain the Spring Cloud OpenFeign framework for declarative REST clients.
How does Spring Cloud Security simplify authentication and authorization in microservices?
What is Apache ActiveMQ, and how is it used for messaging and integration?

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