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Linux server administration

Linux server administration involves managing various aspects of a Linux server, such as user accounts, services, and security. Here are some code examples for common server administration tasks in Linux:

  • Creating a new user account

To create a new user account in Linux, use the useradd command. Here's an example:

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sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash johndoe

This command will create a new user account named "johndoe" with a home directory and the bash shell as the default shell.

  • Changing the password for a user account

To change the password for a user account in Linux, use the passwd command. Here's an example:

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sudo passwd johndoe

This command will prompt you to enter a new password for the user account "johndoe".

  • Installing a new package

To install a new package on a Linux server, use the package manager for your distribution. For example, on Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu, use the apt-get command. Here's an example:

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sudo apt-get install apache2

This command will install the Apache web server on the server.

  • Starting and stopping services

To start and stop services on a Linux server, use the service management tool for your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu, use the systemctl command. Here's an example:

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sudo systemctl start apache2 sudo systemctl stop apache2

These commands will start and stop the Apache web server, respectively.

  • Configuring firewall rules

To configure firewall rules on a Linux server, use the firewall tool for your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu, use the ufw command. Here's an example:

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sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw allow http sudo ufw enable

These commands will allow incoming SSH and HTTP traffic through the firewall, and enable the firewall.

These are some examples of basic server administration tasks in Linux. There are many more advanced options available, such as configuring network interfaces and setting up VPNs, but these commands should be enough to get you started.

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