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Introduction to Servlets

Servlets are a type of Java program that can be used to extend the functionality of a web server. They are used to create dynamic web pages, handle HTTP requests and responses, and interact with other server-side resources such as databases.

Servlets are essentially server-side programs that can receive requests from a web browser, process them, and send back a response. They are designed to run within a web container, which manages the servlet's lifecycle and provides other necessary services.

Servlets are a popular choice for creating dynamic web pages because they are efficient, scalable, and easy to maintain. They are also highly portable, which means they can be run on a variety of different web servers and platforms.

To create a servlet, developers typically write a Java class that extends the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class. This class provides methods that can be overridden to handle different types of HTTP requests, such as GET and POST requests. The servlet can also access other resources such as databases, JSPs, and other servlets to generate dynamic content.

Overall, servlets are a powerful tool for creating dynamic web pages and web applications. They are widely used in enterprise environments and are an important part of the Java EE platform.

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