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Installing and configuring Wiremock

WireMock is a powerful and flexible tool for creating mock HTTP services, which can be used to test and develop RESTful APIs. Here's an overview of how to install and configure WireMock:


  • WireMock is written in Java, so you need to have Java installed on your machine before installing WireMock.
  • Download the latest version of WireMock from the official website:
  • Extract the downloaded file to a directory on your machine.


  • Create a new directory to store your WireMock configuration files.
  • Create a new file called mappings.json inside the directory you just created. This file will contain the mappings for the mock HTTP services you want to create.
  • Inside the mappings.json file, define the mock HTTP services you want to create using JSON syntax. For example:
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{ "request": { "method": "GET", "url": "/hello" }, "response": { "status": 200, "body": "Hello, world!" } }
  • Start WireMock by running the following command from the directory where you extracted the WireMock files:
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java -jar wiremock-standalone-{version}.jar --port 8080 --root-dir {path/to/your/configuration/directory}

This command starts WireMock on port 8080, and specifies the directory where your mappings.json file is located. You can use a different port or directory if you prefer.

  • Verify that WireMock is running by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080/__admin/. You should see the WireMock admin console.

That's it! With WireMock up and running, you can now use it to mock HTTP services and test your RESTful APIs.

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