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IoT Healthcare and Medical Applications

IoT has immense potential to transform the healthcare industry by enabling remote patient monitoring, improving patient outcomes, and reducing healthcare costs. Here are a few examples of IoT healthcare and medical applications with code snippets to illustrate their functionality:

  • Remote Patient Monitoring with Raspberry Pi and Azure IoT Hub:

Raspberry Pi is a popular single-board computer that can be used to build IoT devices. Here's an example of using a Raspberry Pi and Azure IoT Hub to remotely monitor the vital signs of a patient:

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import time import random import json import Adafruit_DHT from azure.iot.device import IoTHubDeviceClient, Message CONNECTION_STRING = "{your iot hub device connection string}" DHT_SENSOR = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22 DHT_PIN = 4 def get_temperature_humidity(): humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(DHT_SENSOR, DHT_PIN) return temperature, humidity def send_message_to_azure_iot_hub(device_client, temperature, humidity): data = {"temperature": temperature, "humidity": humidity} message = Message(json.dumps(data)) device_client.send_message(message) print("Message sent: ", data) def main(): device_client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_connection_string(CONNECTION_STRING) while True: temperature, humidity = get_temperature_humidity() send_message_to_azure_iot_hub(device_client, temperature, humidity) time.sleep(5) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

In this example, the Raspberry Pi is used to read the temperature and humidity using a DHT22 sensor. The data is then sent to Azure IoT Hub using the Azure IoT Python SDK.

  • Wearable Health Monitoring with Fitbit:

Fitbit is a popular wearable health monitoring device that can be connected to various IoT platforms. Here's an example of using the Fitbit API to retrieve the heart rate data of a patient:

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import requests import json FITBIT_ACCESS_TOKEN = "fitbit_api_access_token" FITBIT_USER_ID = "fitbit_user_id" url = "" + FITBIT_USER_ID + "/activities/heart/date/today/1d.json" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + FITBIT_ACCESS_TOKEN} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) heart_rate_data = response.json()["activities-heart"][0]["value"]["restingHeartRate"] print("Resting heart rate: ", heart_rate_data)

In this example, the Fitbit API is used to retrieve the resting heart rate data of a patient. The data can be used to monitor the health of the patient remotely.

  • Patient Safety Monitoring with Intel Edison:

Intel Edison is a small, low-power computer that can be used for IoT applications. Here's an example of using the Intel Edison and Grove sensors to monitor the safety of a patient:

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import time from grovepi import * from grove_rgb_lcd import * dht_sensor_port = 4 led = 5 buzzer = 6 pinMode(led,"OUTPUT") pinMode(buzzer,"OUTPUT") while True: [temp,hum] = dht(dht_sensor_port,0) if isnan(temp) or isnan(hum): print("Failed to read data from DHT sensor") continue print("Temperature: ", temp) print("Humidity: ", hum) if temp > 75: digitalWrite(led,1) digitalWrite(buzzer,1) setText("Temperature High!") else: digitalWrite(led,0) digitalWrite(buzzer,0) setText("Temperature Normal")

In this example, the Intel Edison is used to read the temperature and humidity using a DHT sensor. If the temperature is above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, an LED and buzzer are turned on to alert the caregiver. The Grove RGB LCD is used to display the status of the patient.

These are just a few examples of how IoT can be used in healthcare and medical applications. IoT technologies can help improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and enable remote patient monitoring.

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