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Quiz - SQL - 5


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of the WHERE clause in SQL?
To specify conditions for data retrieval
To specify conditions for data insertion
To specify conditions for data update
To specify conditions for data deletion
To specify conditions for data retrieval

What is a subquery in SQL?
A separate query within a main query
A query that returns a single value
A query that operates on data from multiple tables
A query that operates on data from a single table
A separate query within a main query

What is a join in SQL?
A way to combine rows from two or more tables
A way to retrieve a single row from a table
A way to aggregate data from multiple tables
A way to filter data from a single table
A way to combine rows from two or more tables

What is a primary key in SQL?
A unique identifier for a record in a table
A column that defines the order of data in a table
A constraint that ensures data in a column is not null
A constraint that ensures data in a column is unique
A unique identifier for a record in a table

What is a foreign key in SQL?
A unique identifier for a record in a table
A column that defines the order of data in a table
A constraint that ensures data in a column is not null
A constraint that references a primary key in another table
A constraint that references a primary key in another table

What is an index in SQL?
A structure that speeds up data retrieval by providing quick access to specific rows
A constraint that ensures data in a column is unique
A constraint that ensures data in a column is not null
A structure that groups data for easy retrieval
A structure that speeds up data retrieval by providing quick access to specific rows

What is a trigger in SQL?
A stored procedure that is automatically executed in response to a specific event
A query that is automatically executed in response to a specific event
A function that is automatically executed in response to a specific event
A constraint that is automatically executed in response to a specific event
A stored procedure that is automatically executed in response to a specific event

What is a view in SQL?
A virtual table that provides a specific perspective on data from one or more tables
A stored query that is executed whenever data is retrieved from the view
A temporary table that holds data for a specific session
A permanent table that holds data for a specific user
A virtual table that provides a specific perspective on data from one or more tables

What is a transaction in SQL?
A sequence of database operations that must be executed as a single unit
A database operation that can only be executed once
A database operation that is executed in the background
A database operation that is executed immediately
A sequence of database operations that must be executed as a single unit

What is a stored procedure in SQL?
A precompiled and stored sequence of database operations
A database operation that can only be executed once
A database operation that is executed in the background
A database operation that is executed immediately
A precompiled and stored sequence of database operations

{"qz1-410335":"To specify conditions for data retrieval","qz1-410336":"A separate query within a main query","qz1-410337":"A way to combine rows from two or more tables","qz1-410338":"A unique identifier for a record in a table","qz1-410339":"A constraint that references a primary key in another table","qz1-410340":"A structure that speeds up data retrieval by providing quick access to specific rows","qz1-410341":"A stored procedure that is automatically executed in response to a specific event","qz1-410342":"A virtual table that provides a specific perspective on data from one or more tables","qz1-410343":"A sequence of database operations that must be executed as a single unit","qz1-410344":"A precompiled and stored sequence of database operations"}

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