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Quiz - COBOL - 6


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Select the right answer for below questions:

In COBOL, what is the purpose of the “USAGE” clause in a data definition?
To indicate the size of the data item
To indicate the position of the data item in memory
To indicate the data type of the data item
To indicate the sign of the data item
To indicate the data type of the data item

What is the purpose of the “CONTINUE” statement in COBOL?
To indicate the end of a program
To perform a loop a fixed number of times
To perform a loop while a certain condition is true
To do nothing and continue with the next statement
To do nothing and continue with the next statement

In COBOL, what is the purpose of the “WORKING-STORAGE SECTION”?
To define the inputs and outputs of a program
To define the data used by a program
To define the procedures called by a program
To define the data structures used by a program
To define the data used by a program

What is the purpose of the “OCCURS” keyword in a COBOL data definition?
To define a data item as an array
To define a data item as a record
To define a data item as a table
To define a data item as a group item
To define a data item as an array

Which of the following is a valid COBOL arithmetic operator?

What is the purpose of the “PERFORM” statement in COBOL?
To jump to a different section of code
To perform a loop while a certain condition is true
To perform a loop a fixed number of times
To call a procedure or section of code
To call a procedure or section of code

In COBOL, what is the purpose of the “RECORD” keyword in a data definition?
To define a new data item
To define a record
To redefine an existing data item
To define a file
To define a record

What is the purpose of the “INITIALIZE” statement in COBOL?
To assign a value to a variable
To initialize a file
To initialize a group item
To initialize a table
To initialize a group item

In COBOL, what is the purpose of the “FILE SECTION”?
To define the procedures called by a program
To define the inputs and outputs of a program
To define the data structures used by a program
To define the files used by a program
To define the files used by a program

What is the purpose of the “FD” keyword in a COBOL program?
To define a file
To define a data item
To define a record
To define a group item
To define a file

{"qz1-879725":"To indicate the data type of the data item","qz1-879726":"To do nothing and continue with the next statement","qz1-879727":"To define the data used by a program","qz1-879728":"To define a data item as an array","qz1-879729":"+","qz1-879730":"To call a procedure or section of code","qz1-879731":"To define a record","qz1-879732":"To initialize a group item","qz1-879733":"To define the files used by a program","qz1-879734":"To define a file"}

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