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Quiz - Spring Boot - 3


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Select the right answer for below questions:

What is the purpose of the @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To provide advice for controllers in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To provide advice for controllers in the application.

What is the purpose of the @ExceptionHandler annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To handle exceptions in the application.
To handle exceptions in the application.

What is the purpose of the @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To extract values from the URL and bind it to variables in a method.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To extract values from the URL and bind it to variables in a method.

What is the purpose of the @RequestParam annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To extract values from the query string and bind it to variables in a method.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To extract values from the query string and bind it to variables in a method.

What is the purpose of the @RequestBody annotation in Spring Boot?
To extract the body of a request and bind it to a method parameter.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To extract the body of a request and bind it to a method parameter.

What is the purpose of the @ResponseBody annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To bind the return value of a method to the body of a response.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To bind the return value of a method to the body of a response.

What is the purpose of the @ResponseStatus annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To set the status code of a response.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To set the status code of a response.

What is the purpose of the @Value annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To inject values from the file into a class.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To inject values from the file into a class.

What is the purpose of the @Configuration annotation in Spring Boot?
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To define a class as a source of bean definitions.
To define a class as a source of bean definitions.

What is the purpose of the @Bean annotation in Spring Boot?
To manage transactions in the application.
To define a security configuration for the application.
To define a bean in the Spring configuration file.
To define a method that returns an object that should be registered as a bean in the Spring configuration.
To define a method that returns an object that should be registered as a bean in the Spring configuration.

{"qz1-570555":"To provide advice for controllers in the application.","qz1-570556":"To handle exceptions in the application.","qz1-570557":"To extract values from the URL and bind it to variables in a method.","qz1-570558":"To extract values from the query string and bind it to variables in a method.","qz1-570559":"To extract the body of a request and bind it to a method parameter.","qz1-570560":"To bind the return value of a method to the body of a response.","qz1-570561":"To set the status code of a response.","qz1-570562":"To inject values from the file into a class.","qz1-570563":"To define a class as a source of bean definitions.","qz1-570564":"To define a method that returns an object that should be registered as a bean in the Spring configuration."}

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