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Java Interview Questions A

What is Java?
Explain the main features of Java.
Describe the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and its role.
What are the differences between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
Define bytecode in the context of Java.
How is Java platform-independent?
What is the difference between the == operator and .equals() method?
Explain the significance of the main method in Java.
What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?
How do you manage exceptions in a Spring Boot application?(**)
Describe the purpose of the finalize() method.
How do you create an object in Java?
Explain the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) and its principles.
What is a class and an object in Java?
What is the this keyword in Java, and how is it used?
Discuss the differences between method overloading and method overriding.
List the primitive data types in Java.
What is autoboxing and unboxing?
Explain the difference between int and Integer.
Describe the static keyword and its usage.
How are local variables different from instance variables?
What is the purpose of the final keyword in Java?
What is the scope of a variable in Java?
Discuss the significance of the volatile keyword.
Describe the if-else statement in Java.
Explain the switch statement.
What is a loop, and how many types of loops are there in Java?
Discuss the for loop, while loop, and do-while loop.
How can you exit from a loop prematurely using break and continue?
Explain the for-each loop or enhanced for loop.
What is exception handling in Java?
How do you use try, catch, finally, and throw in exception handling?
Describe the difference between throw and throws in Java.
What are custom exceptions, and how are they created?
Discuss the try-with-resources statement for handling resources.
Explain inheritance and its types in Java.
What is polymorphism, and how is it achieved in Java?
Describe encapsulation and its significance.
What is the purpose of the super keyword?
Discuss the concept of abstraction.
How do you implement interfaces in Java?
Explain the role of abstract classes.
What is method overloading, and how is it different from method overriding?
Describe the instanceof operator.
What are immutable strings in Java?
Explain the String class and its methods.
Describe the StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes.
How do you concatenate strings efficiently?
Explain the Java Collections Framework.
Discuss the List, Set, and Map interfaces.
Using which collection you can implement LRU pattern for key, value maps in Java?(**)
What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?(**)
Describe the HashSet and TreeSet classes.
How does a HashMap work, and what is its purpose?
Can Hashmap be used in multithreaded Java application. If not, what is the best way to fix it?(**)
Explain the Comparator interface.(**)
Discuss the difference between ArrayList and Vector.
What is multithreading, and why is it used in Java?
Describe the Thread class and its methods.(**)
Explain the Java thread lifecycle
How is thread synchronization achieved in Java?
Explain the purpose of the synchronized keyword.

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