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Integrating JSP with Servlets and other technologies

JSP (JavaServer Pages) can be integrated with other technologies such as Servlets and Spring MVC to build dynamic web applications. Here are examples of how to integrate JSP with Servlets and Spring MVC:

  • Integrating JSP with Servlets:

a. In the Servlet:

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RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("example.jsp"); dispatcher.forward(request, response);

In this example, the getRequestDispatcher() method is used to create a RequestDispatcher object for the JSP page "example.jsp". The forward() method is then called on the dispatcher object to forward the current request and response objects to the JSP page.

b. In the JSP:

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<% String message = (String) request.getAttribute("message"); out.println(message); %>

In this example, the getAttribute() method is used to retrieve the value of the "message" attribute set in the Servlet. The value is then printed to the output using the out object.

  • Integrating JSP with Spring MVC:

a. In the Controller:

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@GetMapping("/example") public ModelAndView example() { ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("example"); modelAndView.addObject("message", "Hello World!"); return modelAndView; }

In this example, the example() method is annotated with @GetMapping to map the "/example" URL to this controller method. A ModelAndView object is created for the JSP page "example.jsp". The addObject() method is used to add the "message" attribute with the value "Hello World!" to the model.

b. In the JSP:

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In this example, the message attribute set in the Controller is accessed using JSP Expression Language (EL) syntax. The value is then printed to the output using the <p> HTML tag.

Integrating JSP with other technologies allows developers to take advantage of the strengths of each technology, such as the dynamic web page generation provided by JSP and the request handling and business logic processing provided by Servlets and Spring MVC. This allows developers to build scalable and maintainable web applications with a combination of tools and technologies.

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