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Structures and Unions

In C, structures and unions are composite data types that allow you to group together variables of different data types.

A structure is a user-defined data type that groups together variables of different data types under a single name. The general syntax for declaring a structure in C is:

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struct structure_name { data_type1 variable1; data_type2 variable2; ... };

For example, the following code declares a structure named student that holds information about a student:

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struct student { int roll_no; char name[100]; float marks; };

You can create variables of a structure type using the structure name and access its members using the dot operator (.).

For example, the following code creates a variable of type student named s and accesses its members:

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#include <stdio.h> struct student { int roll_no; char name[100]; float marks; }; int main() { struct student s; s.roll_no = 123; strcpy(, "John Doe"); s.marks = 85.5; printf("Roll No: %d\n", s.roll_no); printf("Name: %s\n",; printf("Marks: %.2f\n", s.marks); return 0; }

The output of the above program will be:

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Roll No: 123 Name: John Doe Marks: 85.50

A union is similar to a structure, but it allows you to store multiple values of different data types in the same memory location. The general syntax for declaring a union in C is:

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union union_name { data_type1 variable1; data_type2 variable2; ... };

For example, the following code declares a union named value that holds either an integer or a float:

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union value { int i; float f; };

You can create variables of a union type using the union name and access its members using the dot operator (.).

For example, the following code creates a variable of type value named v and accesses its members:

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#include <stdio.h> union value { int i; float f; }; int main() { union value v; v.i = 123; printf("Integer value: %d\n", v.i); v.f = 123.456; printf("Float value: %.2f\n", v.f); return 0; }

The output of the above program will be:

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Integer value: 123 Float value: 123.46

Note that when you access one member of a union, the values of the other members are lost. Unions are useful when you want to save memory by using the same memory location for different values of different data types.

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