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AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a service that allows you to manage users, groups, and roles to control access to your AWS resources. With IAM, you can create and manage users, assign users to groups, and create roles that define the permissions for access to AWS resources. Here's an overview of how to create and manage IAM users, groups, and roles:

Creating IAM Users:

  1. Navigate to the IAM console: Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the IAM console.

  2. Create a new user: Click the "Add user" button, and specify a name for your new user.

  3. Assign permissions: After creating a user, assign permissions to the user. You can do this by creating policies that define the actions that the user is allowed to perform on specific AWS resources.

  4. Assign a password: After creating a user, assign a password to the user. The user will use this password to access the AWS Management Console.

Managing IAM Users:

  1. Modify user permissions: You can modify the permissions of a user at any time by modifying the policies that are assigned to the user.

  2. Deactivate a user: If a user no longer needs access to AWS resources, you can deactivate the user to prevent further access.

  3. Delete a user: If a user is no longer needed, you can delete the user. Deleting a user removes all permissions and credentials associated with the user.

Creating IAM Groups:

  1. Navigate to the IAM console: Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the IAM console.

  2. Create a new group: Click the "Create group" button, and specify a name for your new group.

  3. Assign permissions: After creating a group, assign permissions to the group by creating policies that define the actions that the group is allowed to perform on specific AWS resources.

  4. Add users to the group: After assigning permissions to the group, add users to the group. Users in the group will inherit the permissions assigned to the group.

Managing IAM Groups:

  1. Modify group permissions: You can modify the permissions of a group at any time by modifying the policies that are assigned to the group.

  2. Add or remove group members: You can add or remove users from a group at any time. Users in the group will inherit the permissions assigned to the group.

  3. Delete a group: If a group is no longer needed, you can delete the group. Deleting a group removes all permissions and credentials associated with the group.

Creating IAM Roles:

  1. Navigate to the IAM console: Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the IAM console.

  2. Create a new role: Click the "Create role" button, and specify a name for your new role.

  3. Assign permissions: After creating a role, assign permissions to the role by creating policies that define the actions that the role is allowed to perform on specific AWS resources.

  4. Assign a trusted entity: After assigning permissions to the role, assign a trusted entity that can assume the role. This can be an IAM user or an AWS service.

Managing IAM Roles:

  1. Modify role permissions: You can modify the permissions of a role at any time by modifying the policies that are assigned to the role.

  2. Modify trusted entities: You can modify the trusted entities that can assume a role at any time.

  3. Delete a role: If a role is no longer needed, you can delete the role. Deleting a role removes all permissions and credentials associated with the role.

Example: Imagine that you have a team of developers who need access to AWS resources for development and testing purposes. You can create an IAM group for the developers and assign permissions to the group that allow the developers to create and manage resources within a specific AWS account


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