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Docker Networking

Docker provides a powerful networking capability that enables containers to communicate with each other and with external systems. In this section, we will discuss Docker networking, how it works, and how to use it to create networks for containers to communicate with each other.

Docker Networking Overview:

When a container is created, it is assigned a unique IP address within the Docker network. By default, each container is connected to a bridge network that allows it to communicate with other containers on the same host machine. We can create additional custom networks that allow containers to communicate with each other on different hosts or networks.

Docker networks can be created and managed using the docker network command. There are three types of networks that can be created with Docker:

  1. Bridge network: This is the default network that is created when Docker is installed. It allows containers to communicate with each other on the same host machine.

  2. Host network: This network allows containers to share the host’s networking stack, which means they can communicate with the host and other containers on the host’s network.

  3. Overlay network: This network enables containers running on different hosts to communicate with each other, as well as with containers on the same host.

Creating a custom Docker network:

To create a custom Docker network, we can use the following command:

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docker network create mynetwork

This command will create a new Docker network with the name "mynetwork".

Connecting a container to a Docker network:

To connect a container to a Docker network, we can use the following command:

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docker network connect mynetwork mycontainer

This command will connect the "mycontainer" container to the "mynetwork" Docker network.

Disconnecting a container from a Docker network:

To disconnect a container from a Docker network, we can use the following command:

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docker network disconnect mynetwork mycontainer

This command will disconnect the "mycontainer" container from the "mynetwork" Docker network.

Here is an example of how to create a custom Docker network, connect a container to the network, and test the connectivity between two containers on the same network:

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# Create a Docker network docker network create mynetwork # Create two Docker containers and connect them to the network docker run --name container1 --network mynetwork -d nginx docker run --name container2 --network mynetwork -d nginx # Test the connectivity between the two containers docker exec -it container1 ping container2

In the above example, we create a custom Docker network named "mynetwork". We then create two containers and connect them to the network using the --network flag. Finally, we test the connectivity between the two containers using the ping command inside the first container.

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